There are many types of milk sold on the market, one of which is organic milk. Several studies have proven that the levels of several types of nutrients in organic milk are higher than regular milk. To find out more about organic milk and its benefits, consider the following explanation.
Organic milk is milk that is free of harmful ingredients. Organic milk-producing cows are cared for on farms that promote environmental sustainability and animal welfare. Milk that has organic certification has fulfilled special requirements made by the Indonesian National Standardization Agency.
With a light, delicious and refreshing taste, organic milk can be a choice in fulfilling daily nutritional intake because of its various advantages.
The Importance of Drinking Organic Milk
Not a few people who still ask why many nutritionists advise to drink milk regularly. The following are the reasons:
1. Milk is rich in nutrients
To stay healthy, your daily nutritional needs must be met. To supplement the nutritional intake of food, you are encouraged to consume milk because milk is an excellent source of nutrition. Starting from calories as a source of energy, calcium and vitamin D which are good for bones, selenium which can boost the immune system, to nutrients that are believed to be able to prevent the growth of cancer cells, contained in this delicious white drink.
2. Milk is good for bone health
Milk is a drink that contains a lot of calcium. As has been said before, this nutrient is very instrumental in maintaining health as well as bone strength. Lack of calcium intake will increase a person's risk of osteoporosis.
3. Milk contains high quality protein
Of the many foods and drinks that contain protein, the quality of protein in milk is one of the best. These nutrients play an important role in the growth and repair of tissues, muscle function, and endurance. In one cup of milk, there are at least 8 grams of protein.
4. Milk is a source of carbohydrates
According to Ministry of Health data, adults need to get 350-390 grams of carbohydrate intake every day. Lack of carbohydrates will make the body lack energy.
Milk can be the right choice to supplement carbohydrate intake from food. In one cup of milk (about 250 ml), you can get about 12 grams of carbohydrates.
5. Milk is able to maintain heart function
Milk is also a source of potassium. This nutrient is useful for maintaining organs, including the heart, to function normally. Potassium deficiency not only increases the risk of heart disease, but also high blood pressure, stroke, and cancer. Some studies have even found that potassium deficiency can cause infertility.
The advantages of Organic Milk
According to several studies, some of the nutrients in organic milk have higher levels than regular milk. Some of them are:
Omega-3 fatty acids play an important role in maintaining the health of various organs of the body, including the eyes, heart and brain. In addition, a study shows that adequate omega-3 intake can also reduce the risk of mental disorders, such as anxiety disorders and depression.
Adequate intake of iron will make the body not get tired easily. In addition, these nutrients can strengthen muscles and increase endurance in warding off infections. One study even proved that iron can increase concentration. Lack of iron will make you difficult to focus and experience anemia.
Vitamin E
Vitamin E plays a role in maintaining eye and skin health, while enhancing the immune system. This nutrient also has antioxidant properties.
In addition to having some nutrients with higher levels, organic milk is also believed to be more hygienic and quality. Compared to ordinary milk, the organic milk production process is more stringent. There are special requirements that must be met to get organic certification, ranging from food for cows that must be protected from pesticides to the cleanliness of production sites.
Despite its advantages, in people with certain conditions, milk has the potential to cause allergic or lactose intolerance. To find out the type of milk and the recommended consumption dose according to your health condition, consult directly with your nutritionist.
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