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How to get rid of nausea can be done alone at home

When nausea, we will feel restless and uncomfortable due to the urge to vomit. Vomiting can be prevented by eliminating nausea, both with the help of drugs and independent treatment at home. Nausea is usually accompanied by discomfort in the chest, upper abdomen, or throat. Someone who feels nauseous can also feel dizzy or have a headache. Although most nausea is then followed by vomiting, there is also nausea that does not end with vomiting. Nausea is usually not painful, but if left unchecked can make a person weak.

Some Common Causes of Nausea and Vomiting

The sensation of nausea itself is actually centered in the brain, which is then responded by the body in the form of vomiting. It's just that, because of the many stimuli that can cause nausea, it is sometimes not easy to determine the cause of nausea, especially those that occur prolonged. Nausea that is usually followed by vomiting can be caused by things that are physical or psychological. If the cause is a physical problem, nausea can be caused by disorders of the brain or upper digestive tract. The organs located in the upper digestive tract are the esophagus, stomach, small intestine, pancreas, and gallbladder. In addition to organs in the digestive system, nausea can also arise due to diseases that affect organs outside the system. Some conditions that are often associated with nausea symptoms include:
  • Diarrhea.
  • Increased stomach acid.
  • Fever.
  • Headache.
  • Stomach full of gas or bloating.
  • Dizziness or vertigo.
  • Stomach ache.
  • Drug side effects, such as chemotherapy.
  • Pregnancy
  • Sea sick or travel sickness.
  • Infection.
  • Drinking too much alcohol
  • .
Frequent nausea can make you uncomfortable, you know. Nausea and vomiting can be caused by many things. If you cannot leave the house to see a doctor, immediately download the Alodokter app. You can ask directly to the experts. The answer is detailed, the doctor's response is also fast, and there is no need to queue.

How to get rid of nausea without drugs

Nausea can be relieved without taking medication. Some ways to eliminate nausea naturally that you can try, namely:
  • Drink water

  • If you feel nauseous, drink water immediately. You can drink water, ginger water, tea, or other liquids that can make your stomach feel more comfortable. In addition, adequate fluid intake can also prevent you from dehydration.
  • Consumption of foods that are easily digested

  • Eliminating nausea can also be done by consuming foods that are easily digested, such as bananas, rice, biscuits and porridge. Eat a little, but often, so that food can be digested slowly.
  • Avoid certain foods and drinks

  • Avoid fried foods, spicy foods, coffee, and soft drinks until the nausea subsides. Sometimes the sharp aroma of certain foods or drinks can also cause nausea. Therefore, it is advisable to avoid foods with a pungent odor to prevent nausea from getting worse.
  • Eating ginger or ginger drinks

  • Ginger has long been known in traditional medicine to relieve nausea. The chemicals contained in ginger are believed to affect the nervous system, stomach and intestines to help reduce nausea.
  • Lying down

  • Activities when nausea can worsen nausea and trigger vomiting. Therefore, first stop the activity and rest in a sitting or lying position. Try to keep the head higher than other body parts.
Usually the nausea will subside within a few hours. But if the way to eliminate nausea above does not succeed in relieving nausea that you feel, then you should immediately consult a doctor to get the right treatment. Frequent nausea can make you uncomfortable, you know. Nausea and vomiting can be caused by various things. If you cannot leave the house to see a doctor, immediately download the Alodokter app. You can ask directly to the experts. The answer is detailed, the doctor's response is also fast, really.


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